Year-End Top 100 of 2017

Midnight FrenzySpiral Harmonies feat. PK Emi1
Run AwaySpiral Harmonies feat. EileMonty2
We're Not Flawless (Remix)Aurelleah3
A New Pair of WingsNotion feat. Vylet Pony4
Dream of YouJay Man feat. Magpiepony5
We're Not Flawless (Remix)UndreamedPanic6
Luna's Future (Snowfall Frost) (Remix)Aurelleah7
Luna's DeterminationMelodicPony8
Luna's Future (Orchestral) (2017)Jyc Row9
Daybreaker, the Solar EmpressJyc Row10
Trust in Me, ChildWeimTime LLC feat. REV11
Lovin' You is so Fun!Jay Man feat. Magpiepony & PurpleRoselyn12
Best Friends (Until the End of Time) (Remix)Aurelleah13
The WatcherVylet Pony feat. Silva Hound & Lavender Harmony14
On Wings of MoonlightAurelleah feat. 1004Lights & Megan McDuffee15
Chant of Benevolence4everfreebrony feat. Chi-Chi16
Shy HeartPonyphonic17
Best Friends Until the End of Time (Remix)JoinedTheHerd18
On HoldWasteland Wailers' Brittany Church19
Fight This WarPrinceWhateverer feat. DivinumX20
From the AshesAurelleah21
First FlightSpiral Harmonies feat. Megaphoric22
Hoping4everfreebrony feat. Giggly Maria & Relative|Pitch23
AwokenWoodenToaster & H8_Seed feat. PurpleRosalyn24
Frailty (2016)PrinceWhateverer feat. MilkyMomo25
You're In My Head Like a Catchy Song (Remix)Aurelleah26
Say Goodbye to the Holiday (Remix)microThunder27
EgomaniaSilva Hound feat. BLACKGRYPH0N28
ResiliencePrinceWhateverer feat. Sable Symphony & MantaTsubasa29
Crystal Corruptionlia;quo30
ChaosJohn Kenza & Zero31
The Midnight in Me (Remix)Notion33
We're Not Flawless (Remix)Enermatrix34
Fall of an EmpireThe L-Train & Royal Canterlot Symphonic Metal Orchestra35
Life Still Left in MeExiark & Chi-Chi36
Celestial BerserkersJyc Row & Francis Vace feat. IbeConCept37
Come AliveSilva Hound feat. Eurobeat Brony38
Sometimes4everfreebrony feat. Aviators39
Flamethrone LegacyJyc Row & WoodLore feat. Karen Warren40
Smell the Roses4everfreebrony41
Tempora's RequiemJyc Row feat. Decibelle42
The Hour of TwilightZephysonas43
Midnight LamentAurelleah feat. ButterflyIdentity & Decibelle44
Let's Blob AgainOhPonyBoy45
Our Sweet Little Flurry (Flurry Heart's Lullaby)Kevin MacLeod feat. Magpiepony & WildCardVA46
The Fight Inside (2016)PrinceWhateverer feat. NRGPony47
False CrownPrince Whateverer feat. Sable Symphony48
Luna's Future (Remix)Spectra49
Share With Me4everfreebrony50
My Only Friends4everfreebrony51
Different Life of GuardiandxSir52
Bound With Time4everfreebrony53
Constellations (2017)PrinceWhateverer feat. Cadie54
House of GlassAviators55
The Spectacle (Remix)StrachAttack56
It's Gonna Work (Remix)JoinedTheHerd57
I'll Keep TryingJay Man feat. Magpiepony58
Sun of the NightJyc Row & Felicia Farerre59
Back to YouLuna Jax feat. 4everfreebrony60
Pinkie's Brew (2017)Lenich & Kirya61
Nightmare Moon, the Lunar QueenJyc Row62
Clear SkiesUndreamedPanic65
Between Fairy Tales and Happy Endings (2017)PrinceWhateverer feat. Kaspuuh & Senya66
Sound of the SummerSilva Hound feat. NoWacking & Lyde67
House of Glass (2017)4everfreebrony68
Good Girl4everfreebrony69
Just a Game4everfreebrony feat. Chi-Chi70
You and MeFoozogz71
The Learner's ParadoxWoodLore72
The Final ShowdownJyc Row73
A Changeling Can Change (Remix)JoinedTheHerd74
Breathing SpaceDJT & Rusyd Rosman75
I'm in LoveWasteland Wailers' Haymaker76
Battle HornsSilva Hound feat. 4everfreebrony77
Silhouette4everfreebrony feat. BLACKGRYPH0N78
WonderboltAustin Hull feat. EileMonty79
PeppermintDJT feat. Puffy80
Sun and Moon4everfreebrony feat. FritzyBeat81
Out on My Own (CathartiMix)Foozogz82
Crash to PiecesSynthis83
Away From MePrinceWhateverer feat. NRGPony84
More Cider!Jyc Row & Francis Vace87
Recall the Time of No ReturnJyc Row89
Dark AscensionExiark90
My MonstrosityThe L-Train feat. 4everfreebrony91
You Are WonderfulOhPonyBoy92
Route 666Scraton93
Three's a Team (2017)4everfreebrony94
InequalityVylet Pony feat. OMNI95
Derby Racers (HYPERDRIVE MiX)Foozogz98
The SphinxJyc Row99
When the Winter EndsAlmost Anyone & FritzyBeat100

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